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Catalina 316 - 145g

Name: Catalina 316
Classification: Chondrite L6

Country: Chile 
Observed fall: No 
Year found: 2017 
Mass / (TKW): 2 kg 

Dimension: ~ 122x73x6mm
Weight: 145g

PRICE: 217$

Physical characteristics: Dark brown stone. Cut surface reveals a black interior with abundant metal and vugs about 500 μm.

Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) This ordinary chondrite is very recrystallized with only faint remnants of chondrules. It is characterized by abundant shock veins, opaque veinlets, opaque grains with a eutectic mixture of metal and sulfide. Shock darkening is pervasive.

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Shock darkened.