About Us
Magdalena and Lukasz are meteorite passionates from 2001. Over many years of meteorite hunting we have managed to create unique and beautifull collection of space stones. Most part of our collection is made of meteorites from our journeys. We are traveling all around the globe to find the best meteorties possible, but from more interesting places in which we have been hunting meteorites are oldest desert on Earth - Atacama Desert and in The Arabic Peninsula Ar-Rab‛ al-Khāli desert. While our first piece of space comes from our country. That was the time when the question appeared - is it possible to find any materials from outer space in Poland? After only few months we reached the Morasko meteorite strewn field. What is more, after only three days of hunting we have managed to find our first admirable meteorite.

It was an amazing feeling - almost as magical as the astronomical object we have just discovered... We were holding our own piece of Universe in hands and were wondering - where did it come from?, where was it?, what was it witnessing? Moreover, we were
contemplating about how long was it traveling to reach the Earth surface and how long was it waiting for us. It might have been lying there for hundreds or even thousands of years before we found it...
Many years have already passed since our first discovery. From that time, we are deeply
interested in meteorites and searching for them started to be our biggest passion. We travel all around the world as often as possible in order to find new meteorites. We do not want to constrict ourselves, that is why we are looking for them not only in Poland. As a result of hunting in distant, exotic countries every new discovery makes us feel as enchanted as the first one.

We would love to invite you to travel with us around the cosmic world which is extraordinary, fascinating, and full of adventures, the world of the oldest material on Earth which comes from the Universe - the world of meteorites. The most astounding fact about them is that they come from so distant and unknown places. And what is the most astounding for us? That we are able to discover them here, on Earth. Thanks to all meteorite hunters, meteorites are given the chance to reborn and to fascinate again. They are given a "second life" in which they are admired as the closest pieces of Universe, just within arm’s reach. We are very happy to be part of meteorite community. Over the years we met so many great people which helped us a lot. We want to thank all of you, because we belive that each of us share the same passion about Universe, space, science, meteorites or minerals.