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Ordinary chondrites are by far the most numerous group of stony meteorites and comprise about 85% of all finds
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Term achondrites means without chondrules – lack of them makes it possible to distinguish achondrites and chondrites
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Iron meteorites are around 6 percent of all falling meteorites. They are characterized by the presence of two metal alloys of nickel-iron
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Stony - Iron
Stony-iron meteorites consist of mixture of iron-nickel with troilite and crushed silicates – olivines, orthopyoxenes, plagioclases
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Ribbeck 9.49g
Vaca Muerta - 399g
LoV 171 - 115.9g

About Us
Magdalena and Lukasz are meteorite passionates from 2001.
Over many years of meteorite hunting we have managed to create unique and beautifull collection of space stones. Most part of our collection is made of meteorites from our journeys. We are traveling all around the globe to find the best meteorties possible, but from more interesting places in which we have been hunting meteorites are oldest desert on Earth - Atacama Desert and in The Arabic Peninsula Ar-Rab‛ al-Khāli desert.